just like me —
they were human too.

kaye. twenty-two. they / them. lesbian.

infp-t. taurus. melancholic. neutral good.

❝ i'm going up to my room now, where i may die.

— hello there! as the tin says above, my name is kaye! i'm a pre-med student with a focus on the field of dermatology. it's nice to meet you!

i don't have too much to say about myself other than the fact that i love bunnies more than my own life and that the found family trope stole my money and won't give it back. please go easy on me ; my bones are always cracking and i can't survive without boba. i think about sun and moon lesbians too much for my own good.

i'm a bit on the quieter side when it comes to talking with people, but that doesn't mean that i wouldn't like to be friends! hit me up if you ever want to kick bastard men that i love in the knees.

before you follow:

please note:

  • i am an adult (22 years old), so if you are uncomfortable being around people of that age, feel free to FUB!

  • this account is retweet heavy!

  • occasional nsfw text, no imagery present.

  • i post art sometimes, but please do not retweet these.

do not follow if:

  • typical dnfi criteria (trump supporter/racist/homophobic/etc).

  • you don't think that fiction affects reality.

  • you condone problematic content (incest/pedophilia/abuse/etc).

  • you believe that bi/pan lesbians exist.


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